Leadership in 3s
A collection of 3s which I find demonstrate leadership qualities.
Integrity, ethics and honesty to build trust with your team.
Compassion for others and what they may be going through
Clear vision of where we are headed, in order to explain and motivate
I’ve long believed in the importance of empowering those around us. We are so much stronger together and when we manage to climb a ladder, we should always help the next person up.
They way I know how to do something, may not be the best way. I prefer to communicate what needs to be accomplished and allow team members to decide how to accomplish it, or to ask questions.
If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room, right? It’s also important to pay attention to which room you are in and make sure it aligns with who you want to become.
Distinct difference between a boss and a leader.
Some traits that can lead to a great leader.
Working together to reach the top.
It Took Warren Buffett 2 Sentences to Offer the Best Advice You Will Hear Today
It all comes back to imitating those who you wish to be like. If you want to be smart and successful, be sure to surround yourself by smart and successful people. Doing so will give you the opportunity to learn their good habits. When it comes to leadership, it’s no different. We have the ability to learn how to be a good leader by spending time around good leaders. You should select this group carefully, though, to be sure that you are aligning yourself with those who are true to their word, respected and loved.
5 Red Flags That Someone Is Not Fit to Lead People
I like this article because it is focused on identifying those are are not leaders, which I believe is important. We may not know what behaviors we need to improve, or why people may not like working with us. Information like this is helpful for those who want to improve their leadership skills.
8 Ways to Becoming a Better Leader
One thing I love about this article is that it addresses how we should handle failures. I’m a firm believer that mistakes are learning opportunities and should be approached from the perspective of questioning: “what happened” and “how can we avoid this in the future”. I don’t like to point fingers or blaming people, especially when I know our team is doing it’s best.
Michelle Obama
I admire the former First Lady for her initiative in motivating the people to eat healthy and get active. Since her planting the organic garden at the White House, I’ve met so many people working to grown their own gardens. Also, I appreciate that she was a respected career-woman and mom, seeming to balance it all even before becoming the First Lady.
Dolly Parton
Besides being a talented performer, and business woman, Dolly is authentic and stands up for what she believes. I admire this very much, especially in a culture that idolizes people who bend to the current norms. I also love that she gives back to the community and helps so many struggle people.
Jim Valvano
The documentary “Survive and Advance” about Jim leading the North Carolina Wolfpack has echoed in my mind since watching it. Since then, I’ve tried to help my team visualize the win and actively plan for it. I’ve noticed that it really does help to motivate us.
He is a leader, at heart, and finds a way to unite people for a common cause. He motivates them to take action and continue to believe in a vision.
She adapted to her new surroundings, finding a way to connect with the students. She inspired them to believe in themselves and fought to protect them.
While dealing with opinions of people fighting his place in this role, he managed to stay focused, and earn the trust and respect of the players. He helped them to believe in a unified vision and themselves.
“Office Space”
An honorable mention of how not to lead. He was a manager, and a poor one at that. He was never seen doing any work, and found joy in breaking down his employees.
*Should have let him keep the stapler.