Leadership in 3s
A collection of 3s which I find demonstrate leadership qualities.
It Took Warren Buffett 2 Sentences to Offer the Best Advice You Will Hear Today
It all comes back to imitating those who you wish to be like. If you want to be smart and successful, be sure to surround yourself by smart and successful people. Doing so will give you the opportunity to learn their good habits. When it comes to leadership, it’s no different. We have the ability to learn how to be a good leader by spending time around good leaders. You should select this group carefully, though, to be sure that you are aligning yourself with those who are true to their word, respected and loved.
5 Red Flags That Someone Is Not Fit to Lead People
I like this article because it is focused on identifying those are are not leaders, which I believe is important. We may not know what behaviors we need to improve, or why people may not like working with us. Information like this is helpful for those who want to improve their leadership skills.
8 Ways to Becoming a Better Leader
One thing I love about this article is that it addresses how we should handle failures. I’m a firm believer that mistakes are learning opportunities and should be approached from the perspective of questioning: “what happened” and “how can we avoid this in the future”. I don’t like to point fingers or blaming people, especially when I know our team is doing it’s best.